Voided Orders

Voided Orders lets you view a list of all voided (canceled) orders that have been created using a POS terminal, site, or Mobile apps. You can filter this list by dates or by stores. 

View a Voided Order

  1. Under Activity, click Voided Orders.
  2. Filter by Store or Time, if needed.
  3. Choose an order from the list.
  4. Order details will show as follows:

Page breakdown is as follows:

  • UTC: date and time when this order has been voided (Universal time).
  • Store time: date and time when this order has been voided (local time).
  • Order #: order number.
  • Amount: order amount.
  • Status: the current status of the order (Void).
  • Store: the store that processes this order.
  • Customer: customer name (if specified).
  • Staff member: the name of the employee, which voided this order.

View Detailed Information on an Order

To view detailed information on an order, click that order in the list. Back Office will display a detailed information on this order (such as the list of ordered items, applied discounts, the number of loyalty points, and more):

View the Order History

  • To view the order history, click the History button:


View Information on a Customer

If a voided order record includes a customer name, you can view detailed information on that customer (such as the customer phone, address, number of points, and more). 

To display a customer information

  • In the Customer column of the Voided orders list, click the customer name.

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