Active Orders (Windows)

Active Orders is one of the main tabs in Geidea POS terminal app. There, you will find all orders that started but are not closed yet. When an order is active, it usually means that the customer did not get the order or it has not been paid yet.

Note: If there are several POS terminals in a store, all the terminals share the same Active Orders screen. This  feature helps you parallel process orders across different members of staff on different devices. All orders can be processed from all devices.

All new orders are displayed immediately, whether ordered via the POS Terminal applications connected to this store or Customer Mobile Application.

Active Orders Screen

NOTE: If you enabled the Allow Dine in setting in POS Terminal General settings, the Active Orders screen differs from the above screenshot. In this mode, the Active Orders screen includes three tabs: List, Tables, and Floorplans

This screen displays the Active Orders list. In the list, each item has the following fields:

  • #: the order number;
  • Type: displays the order type (such as QuickService, Delivery, or Dine-in*) and the staff member name responsible for this order.
    *NOTE: For the dine-in orders, this column displays the table number or “Table not selected.”
  • Date/Time: date and time when this order has been taken;
  • Status: the order status (such as In Progress, New, or Done);
  • Payment: the payment status:
    • – paid;
    • – awaiting payment;
    • – refunded.
  • Customer: displays the customer name, if any;
  • Amount: the order amount (in the currency units).

TIP If the order has not yet been paid for, you can modify, cancel or confirm it. For more information, see Modify Order Details and Cancel or Refund Order.

To view or modify an order details, click next to the order.

Active Orders Screen Control Elements

The Active Orders screen defines the following control elements:

Bottom menu bar

The icons available in the bottom menu bar depend on the status of the currently selected order.

For example, the above screenshot illustrates the bottom menu for an order with the New status in the Status column. This menu bar defines the following commands:

  • Next: opens the payment page (see Pay Order).
  • Print: sends the order to receipt printers.
  • Kitchen: sends the order to kitchen printers (see Kitchen Printers).
  • Void: cancels the order.
  • Start: tap to proceed with this order.
    Tapping this command changes the order Status to In Progress. Additionally, the order is sent to appropriate kitchen printers.


Filter the Active Orders List

Depending on the roles of your employees, you can configure appropriate filters for the Active Orders screen.

For example, kitchen employees work only with confirmed or paid orders, while the call center employees process only new delivery or takeout orders (such as orders created using Customer Mobile applications). In other cases, it is necessary to cause the Active Roles screen to display orders placed only in certain stores. 

The Active Orders screen filters let you easily implement the above mentioned scenarios.

To configure the orders filter

  1. Open the Active Orders screen, and tap   on the top menu bar.
  2. In the Order filter form that opens, enable appropriate settings, and the click OK:


Cash Drawer (Windows)

Cash Drawer tab allows the cashier, and manager, to manage finances. There, a detailed breakdown is found for all transactions made and the expected credit amount available.

This tab allows you to monitor:

  • View the history of the cash drawer operations, such as cash-in, cash-out, adding tips, and like.
  • Perform the cash drawer operations.

Cash Drawer Management

View History of the Cash Drawer Operations

The left pane of this console displays the history of the cash drawer operations. Each item includes the following fields:

  • Date/Time: displays the operation date and time; 
  • Activity: displays the type of activity (such as cash-in, shift start, adding tips, etc.);
  • Amount: displays the operation amount (in the currency units);
  • Staff Member: identifies an employee that performed this operation.

Using the Cash Drawer Operations Menu

The right pane of the console provides the menu commands that let you perform the following operations:

  • Cashier Out: closes the cash drawer if a cashier stepped out for a bit;
  • Cash drawer check: lets you check the cash drawer and specify an actual balance;
  • Cash In: lets you add money to the cash drawer
  • Cash Out: lets you withdraw money from the cash drawer.

The bottom menu bar includes the following commands:

  • Open Report: Opens the currently selected report.
  • Print: Sends the selected report to the printer configured in the Hardware settings
  • Send: Sends the selected report to the specified mail address
  • Open Cash Drawer: unlocks and opens cash drawer.

IMPORTANT: To perform the cash drawer operations, an employee must have appropriate rights specified in their role. For more information, see Roles.

Cash Drawer Operations and Balance

It is important to be aware that cash drawer operations might affect the balance of your enterprise. Depending on the operation details, the cash drawer operations  can increase, decrease or do not change the balance of your enterprise. For details, see “POS Terminal Operations” in  Cash Balance.

Closed Orders (Windows)

The customer orders will be closed once fulfilled by both parties – that is, items received and payment complete. 

View Closed Orders List

To view the Closed Orders list

  • Open the POS Terminal Menu, and then click Order History.
    This displays the Closed Orders list similar to the following screen:
  • Clicking on an order, will show the order details

TIP: The list is sorted by dates. You can use the filter in the top menu bar to display closed orders for a specified period. 

In this list, each item has the following elements:

  • Date/Time: displays the date and time when this order has been closed;
  • Amount: the order amount (in the currency units);
  • Order#:  the order number;
  • Transaction#: the transaction number;
  • Payment: the order payment mode (such as Cash, Card, or Gift Card);
  • Type: the order type (such as Quick, Dine-in, or Delivery);
  • Customer: the customer name, if any;
  • Employee: the staff member who closed this order.
  • Print: prints this page.
  • Send: emails this page to the specified address.
  • Refund: click to refund this order. For more information, see Cancel or Refund Order.

Install POS Windows Application

This page explains how to install Geidea POS applications on your systems and start working.

Note: Geidea POS works on both; Windows and Android

Installing and Logging into Geidea POS Windows App

  1. Download the Geidea POS windows application from the this URL.
  2. Run the Geidea POS setup program.
  3. After installation, enter the following information:
    • Choose your preferred language.
    • Choose your country, then enter your Tenant Link and credentials.
    • Specify the store to which this device will be connected to.
    • Add the new device name, then click OK.

    • When done, click Start Work.

Add Item (Android)

This page helps you add items to your customer’s order.

Menu Items

When you start the order, you will find the list of item categories. After you choose one, the list of items in that category will open. Then, you will be able to add the items to the order.

Note: You can always use the Search option to find a specific item.

Add Items to Order

To add an item to order

  1. Tap an item of interest.
    This adds the item to the sales slip on the left hand side of the screen:

  2. If the item has relative modifiers, Geidea POS Terminal will automatically prompt you to choose modifiers.

  3. To make any changes to this item, tap it to display the item modification menu:
  4. Use the modification menu items to make the following changes:

– removes this item from the order;


– allows you to apply discounts to this item;


– tap to choose general modifiers for this item, if any.


  • The plus and minus icons let you change the item quantity.
  • After adding all items to the customer order, tap Start to send the order to the kitchen, or Checkout to open the order payment page (see Pay Order).