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Choose Store (Windows)

By default, Geidea POS allows a terminal device to operate in a single store. That said, you can enable Multiple Stores option and allow a single device to accept orders from different stores. This option is commonly used to assign a device exclusively for delivery orders. Alternatively, you can assign multiple devices and filter orders based on delivery zones.

Note: To use the multiple stores mode, ensure that you have enabled this mode in the POS Terminal General settings and the user’s roles let them access multiple stores.


To enable the multiple stores mode

  1. Open the General Settings page of your POS Terminal.
  2. Check the Multi-Store Support check box.

To verify where the employee’s role

  1. Under staff list and select the employee.
  2. Navigate to the Roles tab of that employee and check the stores where their roles are active.

Select Store

To select a store to process the customer order

  • When composing a delivery order, after you added a customer, POS Terminal prompts you to select the store:
  • In the Select store dialog box, select a store to process this delivery order, and click OK.
  • When you compose a quick service or dine-in order, you can optionally select a store from the provided list available on the top menu bar:

Choose Table (Windows)

When creating a dine-in order, you can optionally choose a table number where to serve the order. 

To Select a Tale:

  1. Click Select Table on the top left.
  2. The below table will appear. Choose the floor from the left column, then the table number from the middle column. 

Note: you can use the search function on the right to find your desired table.

Note: Keep in mind that you have the option to assign orders to tables, or by seats. When orders are assigned by seats, receipts will be assigned for each seat too. There will be no ”total” receipt.

Assigning By Seat

  1. Click the By Seats button.
  2. Click 1 to choose the first person/seat.
  3. Choose the items for the first person/seat.
  4. Click + to add and choose the second person/seat.
  5. Choose the items for the second person/seat.
  6. Repeat the above steps until you add all customers to the order.

Add Customer (Windows)

This topic explains how to add new or registered customers to the order. When you process a quick service or dine-in order, this step is optional. However, you should add the customer information to all delivery orders.

NOTE: POS Terminal adds all newly created customers to the Customers list available in the Back Office Management console.

Add a Customer to the order

  1. On the Order creation screen, tap Add Customer.
  2. Type in several digits of a customer phone number.
  3. Choose the customer from the search results list.
  4. If the customer does not exist, you add him/her to the database. Click Add new customer, as shown below.


Terminal Reports (Windows)

This topic describes X-Reports – the reports on cash transactions performed by the employee during the current shift.

Viewing X-Reports

To view X-reports

  • Open the POS Terminal application menu, and then tap Reports.
    POS Terminal displays a report similar to the following screen:

This report provides the following information on financing operations:

  • Initial Day Amount: an initial cash balance.
  • Cash: a sum of the cash payments.
  • Card: a sum of the card payments.
  • Refunded: displays the refunded payments amount.
  • Total Taxes: displays the tax payment.
  • Total Tips: tips amount added to the cash drawer.
  • Total Cash in: a cash amount added to the cash drawer.
  • Total Cash out: a cash amount removed from the cash drawer.
  • Withdrawn: displays the cash collection amount.
  • Expected Amount: displays the expected cash amount.

NOTE: To print this X-Report, tap the Print icon on the bottom menu bar. The report will be sent to the printer that you have configured in the Hardware settings.