Production Orders

This article helps you use production orders. The main logic is: you send the production orders to your production shops to prepare the inventory items or menu items according to their recipes. Think of turning wheat into break, or milk into cheese.

The following subjects are covered:

  • View the list of orders
  • View and edit an order 
  • Make new order
  • Copy an order
  • Remove orders.

View a List of Production Orders

To open a list of production orders

Under Inventory, click Production Orders.

Page Breakdown as follows:

  • Make Order: creates new production order.
  • Copy: clones selected order.
  • Delete: deletes selected order(s).
  • Filter: filters the list by specified criteria.
  • Produce: executes the production order by opening the production page.
  • Order Status: allows you to edit and view an order history
  • Wholesale: creates a wholesale transaction for the selected order.

Filter the Orders List

The filter allows you to cause the list to display only orders that match specified criteria. 

You can filter by the following criteria:

  • Manufacturer
  • Production center
  • Materials location
  • Recipient
  • Product location
  • Status
  • Order creation date
  • Manufacturing date

View and Edit Orders

The PO Details tab displays all details of the production order.

Here you can edit the order details, or change the status, as follows:

Executing the Production Order

Clicking Produce will open the Production page. Here, you can provide the details of the production. When you are done, you can either Save, or Save and Apply to execute the order.

Create a New Production Order

To create new production order

  1. Under Inventory, click Production Orders.
  2. Click Make Order, and then complete the Add Order form.

To complete the Add Order form

  1. Add selected items to the list.
  2. Complete the fields: Production Shop, Material Location, Product Location, and specify the production date.
  3. For each position of order, specify the quantity of elements to produce in Qty.
  4. Click Save.

Copy an Existing Order

To help you create a new order, you can clone an existing order (let us call it base order), and then modify the base order as necessary.

To copy an order

  1. From the orders list, select a base order, and then click Copy.
  2. The Add Order form opens.
  3. Update the order as necessary.
  4. Click Update.

Delete Order(s)

You can delete one or several orders.

To delete order(s)

  1. From the orders list, select order(s) to delete by clicking the checkbox.
  2. Click Delete.

NOTE: Some orders cannot be deleted.

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