Print Settings

Print Settings tab allows you to customize the behavior and automation of the system in terms of what to print and when to do so. 


The Print Settings Breakdown is divided into 8 sections and are as follows:

  • Found only in All
    • Print menu category name in receipt: When enabled, the receipt will contain items names, as well as their category names.
  • Receipt
    • Print provisional receipt after order start: When enabled, after the order is started, the provisional receipt gets printed automatically.
    • Print receipt after payment: When enabled, customer receipt will automatically get printed after payment.
    • Print payment terminal slip on receipts printer: When enabled, the receipt printer will also print payment slips from the terminal device.
    • Print customer copy of payment terminal slip in fiscal receipt: When enabled, the fiscal receipt will contain a copy of the customer receipt.
    • Print copy of receipt after payment: When enabled, after the customer pays and gets their customer receipt, another copy gets printed.
    • Print preorder receipt after order confirm: When enabled, after the order is confirmed, the preorder receipt is automatically printed.
    • Enable printing order number on a separate receipt after payment: When enabled, after the customer receipt is printed, a new small receipt is printed that only includes the order number.
    • Allow print closed order: Enable or disable printing the receipt of closed orders.
    • Prohibit printing receipt or kitchen receipt for new orders: When enabled, new orders can’t have their receipts printed.
    • Provisional receipt test: Click to do a test print for the provisional receipt.
    • Receipt test: Click to do a test print for the receipt.
    • Group items in the receipt: Enable to group items together in the customer receipt.
    • Print comment for items with open price in receipt: Enable or disable printing comments on the receipt for items that have open price.
    • Print item comment in receipt: Enable or disable printing item comments on the receipt
    • Qty and price in separate row: Enable or disable printing Qty and price in a separate row on the receipt.
    • Print tin in receipt: Enable or disable printing tin on the receipt.
    • Print legal name in preorder: Enable or disable printing legal name in the preorder receipt.
    • Print store address: Enable or disable printing the store address on the receipt.
    • Print terminal name in receipt: Enable or disable printing terminal (device) name on the receipt.
    • Print waiter name in receipt: Enable or disable printing waiter name on the receipt.
    • Print cashier name in receipt: Enable or disable printing cashier name on the receipt.
    • Print transaction number in receipt: Enable or disable printing transaction number on the receipt..
    • Print of time to ready: Enable or disable printing the time until the order is ready on the receipt..
    • Print order type in provisional receipt: Enable or disable printing order type on the provisional receipt.
    • Print order type in receipt: Enable or disable printing order type on the receipt.
    • Print order number: Enable or disable printing order number on the receipt..
    • Print points balance in receipt: Enable or disable printing loyalty point on the receipt. 
    • Override language of field names (receipt): When enabled, field name language will get overridden. You can choose the language to be displayed from the list. (Old field names will be replaced)
    • Duplicate field names: When enabled, the field name will be duplicated in a different language. You can choose the language from the list. (Old field names will stay, new ones will be added)
    • Print requisites in preorder: Enable or disable printing requisites on the preorder receipt
    • Print store address in preorder: Enable or disable printing the store address.
    • Print terminal name in provisional receipt: Enable or disable printing terminal (device) name on the receipt..
    • Print waiter name in provisional receipt: Enable or disable printing waiter name on the receipt.
    • Print of time to ready in preorder: Enable or disable printing the time until my order is ready on the receipt.
    • Print order number in preorder: Enable or disable printing order number on preorder receipt.
    • Print order ID (QR code) in provisional receipt: Enable or disable printing order ID on provisional receipt.
    • Print restroom code: When enabled, restroom code will get printed. Additionally, you can write the code in the provided text box.
  • Delivery
    • Print order on receipt printer after assign to driver: When enabled, the order is automatically printed on the receipt printer after it gets assigned to a driver.
    • Print order on A4 printer after assign to driver: When enabled, the order is automatically printed on the A4 printer after it gets assigned to a driver.
    • A4 order copy count:  Choose the number of A4 copies to be printed.
    • Print copy of A4 order on same page: Enable or disable printing additional A4 copies. 
    • Print order on receipt printer after start delivery: Enable or disable printing the receipt on the receipt printer after changing order status to delivering.
    • Print order on A4 printer after start delivery: Enable or disable printing on the A4 printer after start of delivery.
    • Provisional receipt test: Click this button to do a test print.
    • Receipt test: Click this button to do a customer receipt test print.
    • Override language of field names (receipt): When enabled, the field name language will get overridden on the receipt. Choose the overriding language to from the list.
    • Print customer name for takeout orders: Enable or disable printing customer name on the receipt for takeout orders.
    • Print customer phone for takeout orders: Enable or disable printing customer phone number on the receipt for takeout orders.
  • Kitchen
    • Print kitchen receipt after order start: When enabled, kitchen printer will print automatically when the cashier starts the order.
    • Print kitchen receipt after order confirm: When enabled, kitchen printer will print automatically after the order is confirmed.
    • Print deleted item in the kitchen: When enabled, kitchen printer will include deleted items in the receipt.
    • Print kitchen receipt after payment: When enabled, kitchen printer will print automatically after the order is paid.
    • Print only changed items on kitchen printer: Enable or disable printing only changed items.
    • Allow to print the selected order item in the kitchen: When enabled, the cashier will be able to print selected items in the kitchen printer.
    • Print kitchen items in separate receipts: When enabled, each item will be printed on a separate receipt.
    • Print deleted order items receipt: When enabled, deleted items will too be printed on the receipt.
    • Printing kitchen receipt on receipt printer after payment: When enabled, kitchen receipt will be printed after customer receipt from the same printer after payment.
    • Redirect not configured logical printers to default printer: When enabled, orders sent to detected printers that are not configured are automatically sent to the default printer instead.
    • Override language of field names (kitchen): When enabled, language of field names will get overridden. Choose the language that you wish to appear on the receipt from the list.
    • Group items in the kitchen receipt: When enabled, items will get grouped on the kitchen receipt. 
    • Split items in the kitchen receipt: When enabled, items will get split on the receipt.
    • Print recipe in kitchen receipt: When enabled, the customer receipt will get printed on the kitchen printer.
    • Group by menu category in kitchen receipt: When enabled, when items are grouped, they will be grouped by category.
    • Print employee name in kitchen: When enabled, employee name will be printed on the kitchen receipt.
    • Print order date in kitchen: When enabled, order date will be printed in the kitchen receipt.
    • Print customer address in kitchen receipt: When enabled, customer address will be printed on the kitchen receipt.
    • Override print settings for kitchen products: When enabled, how items are grouped will get overridden. You can customize the new overriding grouping by clicking Edit menu category and arranging items as you prefer.
  • Label
    • Printing labels for all items in the order after sending to work (status “In progress”): Enable or disable printing In progress for items after starting the order.
    • Printing labels for all items in the order when the order is ready (“Done” status): Enable or disable printing Done for items after the order is ready.
    • Print labels for all items in the order after payment for all items: Enable or disable printing labels for items in the order automatically after payment.
    • Print Legal Entity name: Enable or disable printing legal entity name.
    • Print tax number: Enable or disable printing tax number.
    • Print store: Enable or disable printing store name.
    • Print store address: Enable or disable printing store address.
    • Print order type: Enable or disable printing order type.
    • Print order source: Enable or disable printing order source (online, mobile, or cashier).
    • Print date: Enable or disable printing the day’s date.
    • Print item number: Enable or disable printing item number.
    • Print nutritional value: Enable or disable printing item nutritional value.
    • Print description: Enable or disable printing item description.
    • Print logo: Enable or disable printing store logo.
    • QR content: Enter the content for the QR code. (what should appear when a person scans the QR code)
    • QR description: Enter the description for the QR code.
    • Additional information: Enter any additional information you wish to add about the QR code.
    • Receipt item label template (alcohol): Click the button to view the label.
    • Print nutritional value: Enable or disable printing nutritional value.
    • Print description: Enable or disable printing item description.
    • Print logo: Enable or disable printing store logo.
  • Cashdrawer
    • Print cashdrawer operations receipt: Enable or disable printing of Cashdrawer Operations receipt.
    • Print cashing operation receipt: Enable or disable printing of Cashing Operations receipt.
  • Reports
    • Print Zreport after end shift: When enabled, automatically after shift end, the Z-report will be printed.
    • Print sales by menu items report after end shift: When enabled, automatically after shift end, the Sales by Menu Items report will be printed.
    • Print sales by menu items with payment type report after end shift: When enabled, automatically after shift end, the Sales by Menu Items report, with filter: Payment Type will be printed.
    • Print sales by category report after end shift: When enabled, automatically after shift end, the Sales by Category will be printed.
  • Agreement
    • Parent category max level: Choose your desired category level to be used as the max level. The drop-down list contains numbers from 1 to 5.
    • Printing agreement on receipt printer after payment: Enable this option to print the User Agreement on the receipt. Additionally, you can write a header for the agreement in a text box and the agreement itself in the lower text box.

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