Online Settings

This topic explains how to configure some settings of the store website and Mobile app. 

To open the Online Settings page

  • Under Settings, click Online settings.

The Common Settings Tab

The Common Settings tab is similar to the following screen:


Page Breakdown is as follows:

  • Show Home Screen: when enabled, Mobile app displays the Home screen.
    NOTE: To customize the Home screen, complete the Home Screen Settings tab.
  • Show News: when enabled, the store site and Mobile app will display news.
  • Hide title of the promo on the picture: When enabled, titles of the promo campaigns on the promo banners will be hidden.
  • Show Delivery Zones: when enabled, the store website and Mobile app will display the delivery zones. Clicking or tapping a delivery zone displays a tooltip with information about the delivery charge and minimum price of the delivery order.
  • Hide points: when enabled, the Mobile app menu will not display the option to pay with loyalty points.
    NOTE: This setting does not affect the store website.
  • Enable QR scan after opening mobile app: when enabled, the QR scan screen can be used after running Mobile app.
    NOTE: This setting does not affect the store website.
  • Modifiers display mode: lets you select New or Old mode for displaying modifiers:
    • Old mode: modifiers are successively displayed in the Mobile app or the store menu.
    • New mode: all modifiers assigned to a menu item are simultaneously displayed on the menu item property sheet.

The Home Screen Settings Tab

This tab lets you control the information that will be displayed on the Home screen of the Mobile app.
NOTE: To display the Home screen on Mobile app, enable the Show Home Screen setting on the Common Settings tab.

Home Screen Settings tab:

Page Breakdown as Follows:

  • Arrangement: You can drag and arrange options to customize how they are displayed.
  • Stores: when enabled, the Home screen displays the list of stores/branches.
  • News: when enabled, the Home screen will show news.
  • QR: when enabled, the Home screen will display a customer QR code. The customer can use this code when paying their order.
  • Points: when enabled, signed-in customers can view their loyalty points.
  • Promo Campaigns: when enabled, the Home screen displays information about current promo campaigns.
  • New Items: when enabled, the Home screen will display newly added menu items.
  • Popular Items: when enabled, the Home screen will displays popular menu items.
  • Categories: when enabled,  Home screen will display menu items grouped by categories. The Items by Row parameter defines the number of menu items per a row.
  • Main Store: when enabled, Mobile app will display the Main store menu.
  • Personal Promo Campaigns: when enabled, the Home screen displays personal promo campaigns for signed-in customers.
  • Scan QR: when enabled, the signed-in customers can scan QR codes of refrigerators or the store doors.

NOTE: The following settings: New Items, Popular Items, Categories, and Main Store are supported only for the order processing modes 2 and 3, which are defined in the system settings.

Optionally, you can change the order of settings listed on the Home Screen Settings tab. To change the order of a setting, move the setting with the mouse to a new place.

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