Inventory Operation: Disassembling

Disassembling is one of the available inventory operations in Geidea POS. Simply put, it is the process of breaking down an inventory item into one or more inventory items. As an example, we can disassemble one water bottle box into 6 or 9 water bottles. Similarly, a chicken can be disassembled into chicken legs, breasts, drumsticks, etc.

Note: You can only disassemble inventory items that have a disassembly recipe. If an item does not have one, you add it by editing the item from the Inventory Items page.

Create a New Disassembly

  1. Under Inventory, click Disassembly.
  2. The Disassembly table will open.
  3. Click New Disassembly.
  4. Provide the needed information.
  5. Choose the inventory items to get disassembled.
  6. The result of the disassembly will appear.
  7. Click Save or Save and Apply.

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