General Settings

The General settings of Geidea POS Terminal app allows you to manage the flow and functionality of the app.

The General Settings Breakdown is divided into 6 sections and are as follows:

  • Only Found under All
    • Language: Choose your preferred app language from the list.
    • Full Screen: Choose full screen or windowed view mode.
    • Application Window is Always Centered: When enabled, the position of the app is fixed on your screen. When disabled, you can move the window around.
    • Auto Logout Internal: Choose an interval for logging the user out if the app is left idle.
    • Allow closing a Shift If there Are open Orders: Enable of disable the ability to end a shift if there are still incomplete orders.
    • Default Country Code: Choose your default country code.
    • After Assign Driver Automatically Set Status to In Delivery: Choose this option to set delivery order status to ”In Delivery” automatically once an order is assigned to a driver. Otherwise, the order status should be changed manually when the order starts.
    • Show the timer for the status of preparation of the order on the page of active orders: Enable or disable showing order timer to the cashier.
    • Show the timer for the status of preparation of the order on the electronic queue screen: Enable or disable showing order timer to the customer.
    • Notification center enabled: Enable or disable notifications.
    • Show virtual keyboard button: When enabled, a keyboard icon will appear. Clicking it will open a virtual keyboard. 
    • Enable extended log: This option saves more log details.
    • Reload all orders when updating active orders (deprecated method): Enable or disable reloading all orders when you update active orders. When disabled, updating will only affect active orders only.
    • Enable processing of notifications from ‘event server'(Test Mode): Enable this option when you wish to test your system notifications.
    • Enable software video rendering mode (if video freezes): If you are running videos on your customer screen and they sometimes freeze, it is recommended to enable this feature.
    • Show Orders Only Current User: Enable this option to only show orders made by the current user.
  • Allowed Services
    • Allow Quick Service: Enable or disable Quick Service.
    • Allow Delivery: Enable or disable the option to create delivery orders.
    • Allow Reservation: Enable or disable the option to reserve a table ahead of time.
    • Allow Dine In: Enable or disable the option to eat inside the restaurant.
    • Group Order: Enable or disable the option to create a group order. 
    • Hide Button for Create Orders In Floor Plan Mode: Show or hide the button for creating an order in Floor Plan Mode.
  • Ordering
    • Categories Per Page: Choose the number of Categories to be shown per page.
    • Items Per Page: Choose the number of Items to be shown per page.
    • Modifiers Per Page: Choose the number of Modifiers to be shown per page.
    • Enable Sub-Categories: Enable or disable sub-categories.
    • Groups Per Page: Choose the number of groups to be shown per page.
    • Show Products With Positive Amount Only: When enabled, only products with positive stock quantity will be shown.
    • Show The Number of Products In Store Warehouses on The Order Editor Page In the List of Order Items.
    • Group Products When Added To Order: Enable or disable the option to group items in an order or not. When enabled, if the cashier adds multiple identical items, they would be added as one item with multiple quantities. When disabled, the same item would appear multiple times in the same order.
    • Long Product Names: Enable or disable to show or hide the full long name of an item.
    • Enable Search Free Items: Enable or disable searching for free items.
    • Disable Customer Search (Adding a Customer Only By QR Code): Enable or disable customer search.
    • Add New Customer Allowed: Allow the cashier to add a new customer.
    • Hide The Employee Change Button on the Order: When disabled, Employee Change button will appear. Clicking it will enable changing the employee responsible for the order.
    • Multi-Store Support: Enable or disable Multi-Store Support. This option allows a device to receive and make orders and assign them to multiple stores. This feature is usually used when a device is dedicated for delivery orders.
    • Time Slot Enabled: Enable or disable Time Slots.
    • Show Common Modifiers When Choosing Item: When enabled, choosing an item will open the available common modifiers.
    • Show Common Modifiers in One Group: When enabled, common modifiers will be grouped in one group, instead of their own grouping on the Backoffice.
    • Allow Edit Confirmed Orders: Enable or disable the option to edit an order after it has been confirmed
    • Allow Edit Assigned to Drivers Orders: Enable or disable the option to edit an order after it has been assigned to a driver.
    • Enable Courses: Enable or disable courses.
    • Specify Number of Person Before Starting An Order Or Printing A Kitchen Receipt: Enable or disable the requirement to specify the number of people in an order.
    • Order Types: Check the boxes of the available order types.
    • Set The Number of Guests When Choosing A Table: Enable or disable requiring the number of guests when choosing a table.
    • Confirm Actions for ”Dine In” Order (Print Preorder, Print Kitchen, Start Order), If the table is not Selected: When enabled, a confirmation message will pop up for Dine In orders when trying to issue an action without selecting a table.
    • Select A Table When Changing The Type Of Order to ”Dine In”: Require to choose a table when changing an order type to ”Dine In”.
    • Ask Passport In Case of Items 18+: Enable or Disable asking for passport if the order contains items marked as 18+.
    • Show SKU: Enable or disable showing the SKU for each item.
    • Enable To Parse Weight Or Price From Barcode Format: Enable or disable parsing weight or price from the barcode format. Enabling this features requires you to input your own barcode format.
    • Hot Weight Buttons: Enable or disable Hot Weight Buttons. Enabling this feature allows you to customize the values that appear on the buttons.
    • Enable Tare Mode In The Weight Measurement Dialog: Enable or disable Tare Mode. When enabled, the provided tare weight will be automatically subtracted from the weight.
    • Tare Weight (GR): Allows you to put the tare weight in grams.
  • Checkout
    • Allow Payment: Enable or disable processing payments on this device. Disabling this feature is known as Waiter Mode. This means orders can only be processed but not paid.
    • Specify Dine In or Take Out On QSR Order: Enable or disable the need to specify order type in Quick Service orders.
    • Specify Dine In Or Take Out On Delivery Order: Enable or disable the need to specify order type in Delivery orders.
    • Allow Card Payment Without Pinpad: Enable or disable card payment without PIN pad.
    • Ask for Cash After Card Payment In Multipayment Mode: Enabling this option means that the cashier should accept card payment then accept cash payment.
    • Ask for Cash Before Card Payment in Multipayment Mode: Enabling this option means that the cashier should accept cash payment then accept card payment.
    • Hot Cash Buttons: Enable or disable Hot Cash Buttons. Enabling this options allows you to customize the value of the buttons.
    • Close Order After Payment: Enable this option to automatically close the order after successful payment.
    • Auto Start Of Order After Payment: Enable this option to automatically start processing the order after successful payment.
    • Auto Start Of Order After Payment and Open a New Order: Enable this option to automatically start processing the order after successful payment.
    • Close Order After Payment and Open New Order: Enable this option to automatically close the order after successful payment and start a new one.
    • Allow Tax Exempt: Enable the option to allow exempting items from tax.
    • Allow Surcharge Remove: Enable the option to allow exempting items from surcharges.
    • Remove Free Delivery Item: Enable or disable removing free delivery item.
    • Override Name of Delivery Item In Fiscal Receipt: Enable this option to override the name ”Delivery”. You can write your preferred name in the box.
    • Allow Fiscalization Of Unpaid Orders: Enable or disable the fiscalization of Unpaid Orders.
    • Allow Fiscalization Of Paid Orders: Enable or disable the fiscalization of Paid Orders.
    • Allow Fiscalization of Closed Orders: Enable or disable the fiscalization of Closed Orders.
    • Allow Tip: Enable or disable the Tip screen.
    • Open A Cash Drawer When Paying By Card: Enable this option to automatically open the Cash Drawer when the payment method is Card.
    • Allow Return of Goods to the warehouse: Enable this option to allow returning of items back to the stock.
    • Allow Partial Payment: Enable or disable Partial Payment.
  • Maps
    • Enable Map Services: Enable or disable Map Services.
    • Maps Provider: Choose your preferred Map Provider from the list available.
    • Region for search on map: Choose your region from the list available.
    • Map Language: Choose your preferred map language from the list available.
  • Offline Mode
    • Enable order creation and payment locally on POS app (Offline Support): Enable this option to allow Offline Mode.
    • Don’t show popup offering enabling Offline mode: Enable this option to prevent popups from appearing asking you if you wish to enable Offline Mode.
    • Automatically Sync Active Orders when restoring an internet connection: Enable this option to automatically sync your device when internet is restored. Otherwise, you will need to do so manually.
    • Save active orders to local Storage: Enable this option to save active orders locally on your device.
    • Make this device as local server: Enable this option to make this device a local server.
    • Use local server: Enable this option to use local servers.

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