Dashboard and Reports

Geidea POS empowers you with all the data that you need to be aware and updated with all the transactions and actions occurring in your business. Said data is provided to you through Dashboard and Reports.


  • You can access the Dashboard through the side menu.
  • You can filter all data displayed by Store and Date.
  • Dashboard provides you with the following information:
    • Total Sales value.
    • Number of Order.
    • Number of Voided orders.
    • Average Order Price.
    • Maximum Order Price.
    • Number of Stores (or branches).
    • Number of Terminals (devices).
    • Number of Active Customers.
    • Number of New Customers acquired in the selected time period.
    • Number of Total Customers.
    • Cash Flow value.
    • Payments value.
    • Net Cash Flow value.
    • Number of guests (anonymous buyers, not registered).
    • Average order value per guest.
    • Customer feedback.
    • Sales value over time.
    • Sales comparison by days.
    • Item popularity by Category.
    • Item popularity by Tag.
    • Sales comparison by hours of the day.
    • Best performing items.
    • Best performing employees.
    • Sales by Store (or branch).
    • Performance of Promotions.

The Back Office Dashboard is similar to the following screen:


For more specific metrics and specialized data, you can choose from a vast library of Reports and filter them by your business needs.

  • You can choose the Reports tab from the Side Menu.
  • Reports are grouped by categories.
  • All Reports can be adjusted by Date.
  • Some Reports have extra filters.
  • All Reports can be exported to: PDF, CSV and Excel format.

The Reports tab looks as follows:

An example of a report looks as follows:

An example of report filters looks as follows:

Note: Keep in mind that different reports have their own specific filters.

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