Customers List

Geidea POS allows you to view your registered customers. This will provide you with vital information like; their last visit, spending and other useful information.

Customers List

To open the registered customers list

Under Customers, click Customers List.

Table breakdown as follows:

  • Add: adds new customers to the list.
  • Filter: specifies a filter for the list view.
  • Add to Group: adds the selected customers to manual groups.
  • Delete from Group: removes the selected customer from manual groups
  • Add Group: adds a new group.
  • Import Customers: allows you to import a list of customers from XLSX file.


Managing Manual Groups

You can add or remove customers from existing manual groups.

To add customers to manual groups

  1. From the Customers list, select customers to add.
  2. Click Add to Group.
    This opens the Add to Group dialog box:

  3. In the Add to Group dialog box, do one from the following:
    • To add customers to all available manual groups, click Add to All Groups.
    • To add customers to specific manual groups, click Groups, select desired groups from the provided list, and then click OK.

To remove customers from manual groups

  1. From the Customers list, select customers to remove.
  2. Click Remove from Groups.
    This opens the Remove from Group dialog box.
  3. In the Remove from Group dialog box, do one from the following:
    • To remove customers from all available manual groups, click Remove from All Groups.
    • To remove customers from specific manual groups, click Groups, select desired groups from the provided list, and then click OK.


Access the Customer Profiles

From the Customers list, you can easily access the customer profiles. The customer profile includes contact information, delivery address, purchase and transaction history, and other related information. 

To access a customer profile

  1. In the Customers list, click the customer.
  2. Consult the customer information on the General, Addresses and Recent Activity tabs:

  3. If necessary, update the customer information, and then click Update to save your changes.


Add New Customers

To add new customer

  1. On the Customers list page, click Add.
  2. Complete the Add Customer forms that opens, and then click Save:

The Add Customer form defines the following elements:

  • First Name: Specifies the customer’s first name (mandatory).
  • Last Name: Specifies the customer’s last name (mandatory).
  • Phone: specifies the customer phone (mandatory).
  • Card#: specifies the loyalty card number.
    NOTE: This parameter is mandatory. You can specify the card number or leave this field empty. Later, Back Office automatically generates the loyalty card number based on the customer’s phone number.
  • Gender: specifies the customer gender.
  • Email: specifies the customer email.
  • New Address: when selected, displays a form to specify the customer address.
  • Groups: allows you to add the newly created customer to existing groups.

Filter and Sort the Customers List

Optionally, you can filter or sort the customers list by specified criteria. 

To filter the list

  1. On the Customers list page, click Filter.
  2. In the Filter form that opens, specify the filter criteria, and then click Filter.

To disable the filter

  • On the Filter page, click Clear, and then click Filter.

To sort the Customers list

  • In the Customers list, click the name of the column by which you want to sort this list.   

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