Customer Groups

Geidea POS uses groups to organize customers into groups. This significantly simplifies the communication process. You will be able to specifically target different customer segments based on the groups that you create.

Group Types

Geidea POS supports two types of groups:

  • Manual: A static group – you may manually add or remove customers from the static groups.
  • Automatic: A dynamic group – you provide some metrics and criteria and Geidea POS will automatically manage the group. Customers will be added or removed based on their fulfillment of said metrics/criteria. Example: Birthday week; you can adjust a group to add customers 3 days before and 4 days after their birthday. Customers will be automatically added/removed from the group based on their birthday and the day of the month. This allows you to create promotions for customers who have birthday only.

Managing Groups

To create a group

  1. Under Customers, click Groups.
  2. Click Add Group.

  3. Provide group Name and Description.
  4. To limit the use of points for members of that group, select the Set Points Limit check box, and then set the limit value and a period of use in Limit and Period.

  5. Do one from the following:
  • To create a manual group, click Save.
  • To create an auto-filled group, select the Auto-Segmentation, specify the dynamic criteria, and then click Save.

Note: Geidea POS updates the members list of auto-filled groups every hour.


To delete a group

  1. Check the checkbox of the desired group(s) from the groups list.
  2. Click Delete Group.

Note: Deleting a group does not affect the members of the group. 

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