Add Item (Android)

This page helps you add items to your customer’s order.

Menu Items

When you start the order, you will find the list of item categories. After you choose one, the list of items in that category will open. Then, you will be able to add the items to the order.

Note: You can always use the Search option to find a specific item.

Add Items to Order

To add an item to order

  1. Tap an item of interest.
    This adds the item to the sales slip on the left hand side of the screen:

  2. If the item has relative modifiers, Geidea POS Terminal will automatically prompt you to choose modifiers.

  3. To make any changes to this item, tap it to display the item modification menu:
  4. Use the modification menu items to make the following changes:

– removes this item from the order;


– allows you to apply discounts to this item;


– tap to choose general modifiers for this item, if any.


  • The plus and minus icons let you change the item quantity.
  • After adding all items to the customer order, tap Start to send the order to the kitchen, or Checkout to open the order payment page (see Pay Order).

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