
Back Office lets you create manual discounts such as 10% off an order to apply them in the checkout screen of POS Terminal applications. Due to role-based control, you can define which members of staff are allowed to apply discounts.

You can view a list of registered discounts. Additionally, you can add new discounts or edit existing discounts.

List of Discounts

To view a list of registered discounts

  • Under Marketing, click Discounts.

Page breakdown as follows:

  • Add: adds new discount
  • Active: makes the selected discount active
  • Name: click the discount name to edit it.

Add New Discount

  1. In the Discounts list, click Add.
  2. Complete the Add Discount form and click Save:

Page breakdown as follows:

  • Name: in this text box, specify the discount name to be displayed on the payment screen of the POS Terminal app.
  • Type: from this list, select the discount type (possible discount types: Percentage Discount or Cache Discount).
  • Value: specify the discount value (in percentage or in currency units).
  • Active: turn on this toggle button to make this discount active.
  • Description: enter here any optional description of this discount.
  • Cumulative: turn on this toggle button to let this discount combine with other existing manual discounts.
  • Stores: in this list, retain only stores where this discount applies.
    NOTE: By default, this list includes all your registered stores.
  • Specify the target items or menu categories to which this discount applies: 
    • All Items: select this option to apply these discounts to all menu items.
    • Selected Categories: select this option and then specify menu categories to which this discount applies.
      NOTE: Optionally, you can exclude some items from selected categories. 
    • Selected Items: select this option and then specify menu items to which this discount applies.

Edit Existing Discount

To edit a discount

  1. Open the list of discounts (see View a List of Discounts earlier in this topic).
  2. Click a discount name to start editing it.
  3. Edit the discount properties in the form that opens, and then click Update to save your changes.

NOTE: This form is similar to the Add Discount form described in the “Add Discount” section earlier in this topic.

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