Employees Dashboard

This page displays overall information about your employees performance on any selected date.

To view this overall information

  1. Under Activity, click Employees.
    This displays a table similar to the following screen:
  2. Optionally, in the top left corner of the screen, set up the data filtering by date or store.
    By default, Geidea POS collects information about all registered stores on the current date.

Page breakdown as follows:

  • Name: the first and last name of the employee.
  • Beginning of Work*: the work start date and time.
  • End of Work*: the work end date and time.
  • Break*: the duration of daily break.
    *NOTE: The employee provides this information using the Clock In, Clock Out, and Break buttons available on the Sign-in screen of POS Terminal App.
  • Duration: duration of the work shift.
  • Orders Created: number of orders created by the employee.
  • Orders Made: number of orders completed (closed) by the employee.
  • Orders Delivered: number of orders delivered by the employee.
  • Orders Paid: number of the order payment operations completed by the employee.
  • Orders Canceled: number of orders canceled by the employee.
  • Total Sales: total price of all orders closed by the employee.
  • Last Sales: date and time of the last sale.

At the top of the table, Back Office displays the following overall information about sales on the  selected date:

  • Total sales: total amount of all sales processed in all selected stores.
  • Orders Qty: total number of orders processed by employees mentioned in this report
  • Employees Count: number of employees mentioned in this report.
  • Sales Leader: the sales leader’s name.
    NOTE: The sales leader is an employee with a maximum amount of their total sales
  • Stores Qty: total number of stores contributed to this report.

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