Inventory Transactions

This page lets you manage all inventory transactions.

View Inventory Transactions

Under Inventory, then click Inventory Transactions.

To sort or filter transactions as follows:


  • To sort the list by a column value, click that column.
  • To display only transactions of a particular type, select that type from the Types list.
  • To display only transactions that concern a particular store (location) or vendor, on the upper menu bar select the location or vendor from the Location or Vendor list, respectively.
  • You can use the Calendar to filter by dates and specific periods of time.
  • You use the Filter option and search by specific inventory items.

Using Inventory Transactions

On this page, you can do the following:

  • View past transactions.
  • Apply or unapply transactions.
  • Delete transactions.
  • Restore previously deleted transactions.
  • Create new transactions.

View a Transaction

To view a Transaction, click the transaction number. The transaction will open and you will be able to view all details


Applying and Reapplying Transactions

You can use the following commands:

  •  — click to unapply selected transaction.
  •  — click to apply the selected transaction.
  • — click to apply all transactions starting from a specified date.
  • —click to unapply all transactions starting from the current date down to a specified previous date.

For more information, see Applying and Unapplying Transactions.

Delete a Transaction

You can delete any transaction (except the transactions of the Sale type).

IMPORTANT: You can delete only unapplied transactions. To delete an applied transaction, unapply it first. Those transactions are marked by   in the Actions column.

To delete a transaction

  • Click next to the transaction to delete.

Restore Deleted transactions

To restore previously deleted transactions

  1. On the transactions page click the Archive button.

    Find a transaction to restore, and then click next to that transaction.
  2. To return to Transactions list, click Journal.

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