
Work Schedule allows you to build the work time table for your employees. This will facilitate to you the process of knowing who works when. You can filter your schedules by stores, period or employee roles. Additionally, you can save the schedule in PDF format and print it.

Building a Work Schedule

  1. Under Staff, click Schedule.
  2. On the upper menu bar, select a store, a role, and period for this schedule.
    This displays a schedule that meets the specified filter criteria, if any.
  3. To start building or editing the schedule, click Edit Schedule.
  4. On the Work Schedule form, do the following:
    • Click Add Employee.
    • Select an employee and their role from the Employee and Role lists, respectively.
    • Specify the date, start time and end time of the employee shift (use the Date, Start Time, and End Time elements, respectively).
    • Click Update to save your changes and display current schedule:

Optionally, to save this schedule into a PDF file, click Save as PDF.

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