Staff List

Geidea Back Office allows you to view and manage the list of your staff members. You can add new staff members, edit existing ones, deactivate/activate member accounts and even delete member accounts.

Open the Staff List

  • Under Staff, click Staff List.

Page breakdown as follows:

  • Add: Adds a new staff member (see “Add New Staff Member” later in this topic).
  • Delete: Deletes selected staff members from the list.
  • Role: Filters the staff list by roles.
  • Store: Filters the staff list by stores.
  • Search: Specifies the search key for staff members.

In the Staff list, each item has the following fields:

  • Name: displays the staff member name.
  • Role: displays the staff member role.
  • Active: manages the staff member status. To deactivate this person, turn this toggle button off.
  • Email: displays the staff member email address.

Add New Staff Member

To add new staff member

  1. In the Staff list, click Add.
  2. Provide the new staff member information.
  3. Click Save.

Form Details:

  • Roles: Provides a list of roles. From this list, select roles for newly created employees.
  • Stores: Provides a list of your registered stores. From this list, select the stores where this employee can work.
    NOTE: The employees, which belong to the built-in role Admin, have access to all your registered stores.
  • Active: Specifies the staff member status. To activate this staff member, turn this toggle button ON.
  • Language: Provides a list of installed languages. From this list, select a preferable language for this employee.
  • Pin: Specifies 4-digit PIN code to access POS Terminal application
  • Username: Specifies the user login to access the Back Office Management console.
  • Password: Specifies the user password.

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